Recovering Intel FakeRAID / RST / ISW Contents 12 January 2019 12:27 Sami Development (0) I ran into a situation where a laptop with Intel RST / ISW / "FakeRAID" used in stripe mode between [More]
Forking pgAdmin3, Supporting PostgreSQL10+ 08 January 2019 04:39 Sami Development (1) I have finally decided to do what I've been thinking about doing for some time: resurrecting pgAdmin [More]
pgAdmin 4 - Why oh Why? 08 January 2017 11:00 Sami Development, Usability (67) It looks like the PostgreSQL development team has decided to rewrite pgAdmin into a new version and [More]
Recruiters. Again. 24 November 2016 06:00 Sami Development (0) I once again have received messages from recruiters around Europe. The lack of quality, reading comp [More]
Sort Files for Emby 18 November 2016 10:00 Sami Development (1) I've been testing using Emby for my media needs since Plex was a bit iffy sometimes, especially on m [More]
Xamarin, Still... 27 September 2016 06:00 Sami Development (1) Xamarin is still being a pain, as per usual. Yes, some things have been fixed and some things have g [More]
Adding a Framework to Xamarin iOS Project 02 August 2016 03:00 Sami Development (0) So, I needed to add a framework to a Xamarin iOS project. Should be easy, right? I mean, on Android [More]
Annoying Game Bar in Windows 10 02 August 2016 09:00 Sami Development, Games, Usability (0) Windows 10 has finally represented itself with a feature I don't like: the game bar notification. It [More]
Headhunting in 2016 06 July 2016 03:00 Sami Development (0) I received yet another headhunting attempt and since it's a great example of things done wrong I tho [More]
ASP.NET Core RC1 to RC2 19 May 2016 12:00 Sami Development (0) Phew. That was a ride. I began a new web application on ASP.NET Core RC1 since I like to live on the [More]