Xamarin, Still... 27 September 2016 06:00 Sami Development (1) Xamarin is still being a pain, as per usual. Yes, some things have been fixed and some things have g [More]
Adding a Framework to Xamarin iOS Project 02 August 2016 03:00 Sami Development (0) So, I needed to add a framework to a Xamarin iOS project. Should be easy, right? I mean, on Android [More]
The Issue With Xamarin 17 March 2016 08:00 Sami Development, Usability (12) Some may know that I have a lot of feelings towards Xamarin and very few of them are warm. Most are [More]
Xamarin Won't Activate, Claims Too Many Activations 09 March 2016 07:17 Sami Development, Usability (0) I ran into the issue that Xamarin won't activate and claims you have too many computers activated. [More]